e-Moderating in Yahoo! Groups

Tutorials created collaboratively
by the EVO Coordination Team

Getting a Yahoo! ID Instructions to create a Yahoo! ID
Getting started with YG How to create a Yahoo! Group
Settings General instructions to manage a Yahoo! Group
Database Instructions to set up a database
Calendar Instructions to set up the calendar
Adding a Moderator How to add a moderator to the group
Adding Links How to add links / bookmarks
Polls How to create polls
Bouncing members & e-mails 
          Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

What you can  do about email addresses that Yahoo! indicates are bouncing
What you  can do if a group member complains of no longer receiving group emails
Files and Folders in YG

Moving files to different folders
Everything about folders (creating, moving, troubleshooting, etc.)

Illustrations on how to move files around in YG

e-Moderation article:

How is EVO different from other online courses?


Dafne Gonzalez
August, 2005