e-Moderating in Yahoo!
Getting a Yahoo! ID | Instructions to create a Yahoo! ID |
Getting started with YG | How to create a Yahoo! Group |
Settings | General instructions to manage a Yahoo! Group |
Database | Instructions to set up a database |
Calendar | Instructions to set up the calendar |
Adding a Moderator | How to add a moderator to the group |
Adding Links | How to add links / bookmarks |
Polls | How to create polls |
Bouncing members &
e-mails Tutorial 1 |
What you can do about email addresses that Yahoo! indicates are bouncing |
What you can do if a group member complains of no longer receiving group emails | |
and Folders in YG Moving files to different folders |
Everything about folders (creating, moving,
troubleshooting, etc.)
Illustrations on how to move files around in YG |
e-Moderation article:
How is EVO different from other online courses?
Dafne Gonzalez
August, 2005